Before August of 2012 I had never been on a plane in my life. My first experience on planes was a trip from the American Midwest to Copenhagen... Denmark. I had a 16 hour trip ahead of me (granted there was a 6 hour layover in Toronto). Overall the trip went well although if I hadn't run into other students I never would have made it there, because airports are unnecessarily confusing.
Anyway, my first flight was only 2 hours and it was not the best first flight. It was a very small plane with a lot of turbulence. I felt crowded and it was a ridiculous idea to move. Ever. I called it the Janky Plane, because it reminded me of an old school bus that I used to ride. Which I called The Janky School Bus because it wasn't magic, it was jank. So that was highly discomforting, but believe it or not I remained calm. The next flight had little to no turbulence... but guess who had the middle seat in the middle aisle. Don't guess, it was me. There was 8 hours of no sleeping because I was taller than both people sitting next to me and I was afraid I would crush either of them if I leaned too far in one direction. Additionally, my headphones didn't work so I watched "We Bought a Zoo" in staticky silence, albeit that was probably a blessing in disguise.
After we landed in Copenhagen I was very very excited, but as soon as we exited the baggage claim they eschewed us into a hallway that we were supposed to wait in for our buses, I waited in that hallway for three hours. Tired, hungry, and sweaty because despite all that we had been told it was actually quite hot in Copenhagen at the time and like a good girl I was wearing a warm blazer, I'm about as happy as a lobster in a pot without even the dignity of some butter.
When we finally get to our bus it is another 45 minutes before we leave for our respective kollegiums and another 45 until we actually make it the incredible distance to our kollegiums. By now I'm not feeling so hawt, as the kids say, BUT I HAVE ADRENALINE FOR DAYS. That first night sleeping was strange. Even though I went to bed immediately, right after some mandatory social events and ice-breakers and avoiding alcohol, I fell asleep easily I woke up quite often and when I woke up in the morning nothing felt right. Pish Posh I'm abroad! And I'm a senior!! LET'S DO THIS!!! (Notice how I didn't say YOLO out of respect for myself).
The next day we spent most of the time traveling around downtown Copenhagen by foot. It's hot and there is a lot of walking to be done, but boy is it exciting! Look at that! Look at that! Can't you tell I'm a tourist?!
There was a lot of movement that day and I wasn't very hungry. That evening we had a bit of a study abroad party and invited residents from our floors. As I tried desperately to not be overly American I found that it was a good time! I was still riding that adrenaline high and I had a beer, because why not? And then some kollegium-mates went out downtown, it's a Tuesday night, but why not? While I'm out I have another beer. I don't even like beer, but hey WHY NOT? A beer and a half can't hurt, I'm a senior in college I've run the gauntlet.
I become tired and not so happy after just a short while so I split a cab home. I barely make it into bed before I am completely knocked out. I still don't sleep very well, but better than the previous night.
When I wake up in the morning I feel nothing like P. Diddy (Ke$ha you lying little...). When I stand up to get ready for the days fun-filled events I know immediately that I have to vomit.
I run to the toilet and my body explodes through my mouth. Everything is leaving me over and over again. There is nothing left, but there's somehow more. OH GOD HOW IS THERE MORE??
I don't have a headache and I don't feel hungover, this is like nothing I have ever experienced.
The vomit continues.
Finally it ends and I feel so much better, but emptier than a black-hole with a leak.
"Phew" I say to myself "I'm so glad that is over"
I'm afraid to eat too much so I cautiously have some water to re-hydrate and one rice cake.
One rice cake. Just one.
I'm feeling decent as I leave the Kollegium looking fresh and ready. The day begins.
Today we are learning about budgeting time management and grocery shopping. As the lesson continues I start to feel worse and worse. My stomach is rejecting the single rice cake that I ate for some sort of sustenance since I had barely eaten since I got to Copenhagen. My body hates me and I am sitting listening to people talk about class schedules.
I use my quickly deteriorating observation skills to try and locate a nearby bathroom without looking suspicious. There is one, but it is directly attached to the room where the lecture is taking place. I couldn't use that because you could hear everything that happened in there (I know because someone used it...ew). I couldn't have everyone hear me vomit on the second day of study abroad that would send a very misleading message about my lifestyle also I WOULD HATE TO EMBARRASS MYSELF, because that would suck right?
So I decided to torture myself and wait it out. I am losing my vision as the lecture draws to an end. I just barely catch our assignment, which is to go out and locate different food options and while we are out there pick up some lunch.
... Food? No.
I am losing it... luckily we are being assigned to our groups at this point. I am assigned to a group of all guys. Uhh ok this means that I will have to slip away casually into a public restroom BECAUSE THEY ARE SO ABUNDANT IN EUROPE. I know I must look pretty hunched over and sickly but I try to play it off. As we are walking there is just no possible way I can hold back anymore. I am going to blow, and for a second I think about using a public trashcan but my pride said no.
But there are literally only seconds left so I mumble to the fellas that I am in need of a restroom if they could wait just a sec and I run into the nearest coffee shop. I will always remember the name: "The Big Apple." Named after an American city. It's all just too much.
As I walk down the steps I try to look calm as I make eye contact with the smiley young man behind the counter, as I notice there is no one else in the shop. I calmly begin to tell the young shopkeeper
Right in the middle of my sentence I projectile vomited all over the floor. It was... just everywhere. There was some sort of miscommunication. My mind knew that there were further steps to take and my body seemed to think that my speech was unnecessary. In the end the two decided that the important thing was to terrorize this poor man and release a demon in fluid form upon this very specific spot of earth.
The look of horror on that young man's face is something that I will never forget. It was true fear and absolute disgust at the same time. You can't fake that. I imagine my face mirrored his expression as I covered my mouth and shook my head in apology. His look changed to a resigned and mournful look, he did not want his day to start like this.
Neither did I.
I had been so close to making it. So close.
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought Danish men liked women to come on strong. |
The only action he takes is to point at the stairs. I quickly run up and proceed to vomit five more times. Because apparently one rice cake was just too much. So now when people ask me about my limits I can say "Oh you know the average... one and a half beers and a rice cake."
I tried to be clean, but... there was no way. So to spare him anymore pain I cleaned up as much as I could... and I cleaned up myself because I was not spared in my stomach's onslaught either. Eventually I shamefully made my way downstairs. He had just finished wiping up the floor I apologized profusely and he just shooed me out, it was insistent, but it wasn't cruel. It was what he needed... to never see my face, or it's awful ability to spew acid in every direction, again. This I understood. As I walked outside the world was calm, I felt as though I had been in there for hours, but my group didn't seem fazed. To this day I don't know if they knew what had happened, but they never let on.
Needless to say on our restaurant adventure I didn't get any food. And when we got back to the lecture room to share what we learned there was more food to feast on. I did not take part. In fact the experience was so traumatic I didn't eat for two days and barely ate for two weeks and I didn't drink for about the same amount of time.
I shamed myself for drinking at first, but soon I realized that it probably wasn't the one and a half beers that i had, but most likely the jet lag and the increase in adrenaline for so long. There were way too many factors and even without the beers something very similar would likely have happened.
Something good to know is that I got ahold of myself and didn't vomit again for the rest of the semester... as far as I can recall.
Either way I'm not telling anyone about it. I have had enough. No more bodily fluids in this blog, at least for awhile y'all. This ish is disturbing.